Between August 26 - 30, ILEA Budapest offered a course in radiological and nuclear smuggling and detection, which was intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to the threat of radiological and nuclear smuggling, terrorism, and the critical role law enforcement plays in a national-level nuclear detection architecture. This course provided an opportunity for front line officers to participate in hands-on activities to learn how to effectively detect nuclear and other radioactive materials. Students learned about various types of nuclear and other radioactive materials, the dangers posed by these materials, and weapons, how they may be smuggled, and how these materials and weapons can be detected by front line officers – using both technical and non-technical detection techniques.
The main topics covered: border security, Combating Violent Extremism/Preventing Violent Extremism, Environmental Crime, Transnational Organized Crime, Violence Prevention and Reduction.
The group was made up of 32 participants from 4 countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia and Kazakhstan.
Congratulations and welcome to the ILEA Alumni Family!